
Grown Ass Men Podcast, Ep 69: Adstravaganza Pt. 2

Speaking of super cool interviews, fellow writer Doug Bost of the Grown Ass Man podcast found my old article on Count Dante recently and was nice enough to invite me on to the show (via phone) so that we could discuss Chi-town's late martial arts legend. The production value on the podcast is tops, and the host somehow managed to make yours truly sound like an authority on the Count, comics, and the golden age of martial arts in America. I hope you'll give Episode 69 of the GAM podcast a listen!
Ep. 69: Adstravaganza - Part II (with special guests Joseph Dasaro and Paco Taylor) https://apple.co/2TsazvB


darrell d said...

nice listen. had no idea he had such crazy history.

St. Paco said...

Thanks for checking it out, D!