
"It's been a while, T'challa."

Super-duper-cool meme, right?! Wish I'd been the one to think it, but still glad that another brilliant mind (@swagnetomagnetoinsta) did!

This lil'  beauty came through my Facebook feed just now and made my face just light up as it quickly reminded me of the age progression idea I mentioned near the end of that piece I wrote on Halle Berry being the right choice to play Storm in the X-Men movies

So ay, yo, Marvel Studios...what's good? You've officially got the X-Men film rights from SONY. Can you imagine the box office receipts with Storm making a cameo in Black Panther 2? Plus, we can serve all o'dem lame-o haters, like...DJ Darrel D!

C'mon brother Coogler!!! Make it happen, fam. For Wakanda! For Zamunda! For the culture!!!