
Don't Call it a Comeback

Don't Call it a Comeback

I have not been away from the zine scene by any means. In fact, it was only a few months ago that
Octopussy #1 was completed. But it has been some time–nearly four years–since the last issue of Kung Fu Grip! was made. So I am happy to say that KFG!4 has been printed, proofed and prepped for the photocopier.

As mentioned in a previous post, this issue of
Kung Fu Grip! is a 28-page freebie. It contains both new and some old material, but nothin' that appeared previously in zine form.

For years I've wanted to make an issue of KFG! that had fewer pages than the 56-page beasts that I usually commit myself to producing. Just something that I could offer in trade to other zine makers, and give away to people who are simply zine readers–as well as to people who may have no idea about the existence of this photocopied art form.

So my ultimate goal was to make a free issue that could serve as an introduction to my zines for the average zine reader and an introduction to zine culture for everyone else. The fourth issue of KFG! is my attempt to accomplish that, and I honestly think it's right on the button–like an Ali punch.

Also mentioned in the previous blog post was the fact that KFG!5 was being worked on in tandem with issue 4. There's still a lot of writing that needs to be done for the fifth issue, but I have more than enough time to get it done by the anticipated March release date. And when it's done, it's gonna knock you out.


Four Minutes to Five

At long last, KFG! issues 4 and 5 are in the works.

About two years ago I envisioned doing these two issues simultaneously, and then I tried to force the process. But it wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. So instead, I took some of the ideas that I had for issue 5 and made the KFG! Special Edition: Octopussy.

But now, quite unexpectedly, it's all happening just the way that I envisioned. The time is obviously right and I'm pretty charged, to say the least.

Also coming to fruition the way I originally envisioned it -- KFG!4 is gonna be a 28-page freebie and KFG!5 will be a 56-page standard issue.

In the meantime, I have to get my buddy Damon's permission use a couple of his fabulous photographs for KFG!5 (including the one seen above). But I don't expect that to be a problem.

Issue 4 is slated to launch in February and Issue 5 will follow in March. If you can't tell already, I am really, really excited about the creation of these two zines.


More Stickin' ... More Movin'

KFG!3B: Stick & Move Special - "Pinky

Stick & Move (Extra) Special

In the fall of 2007 when KFG!3 was released with both a regular cover and a special edition "sticker mash-up" cover, I decided to limit the number of the special edition version to an ambitious 125 copies.

As cool as it sounded on paper, I don't think I believed then that I would actually have to end up making that many copies of the B-version. But right out of the gate, the editors of PEEL magazine placed an order for 40 copies for their online store.

Though 50 copies of the B-version had already been made before going public with that issue, in an instant most of them were gone. So for the next few nights after the PEEL order came in I was busy rebuilding a safe buffer zone.

While cleaning up the folders on the Mac a few nights ago, I ran across some scans that were made of some of those covers. Some really good mash-ups came from the stickers received in trade over the years. In fact, some of the covers make me wish that I had never parted with 'em.

Admittedly, by the time the edition number for the special was met I was tired of lookin' at stickers. 125 cover mash-ups proved to be something of a bitch to make, so when the last copy of KFG!3B was sold I was glad to not have to make any more.

Once they were all gone, though, something dawned on me: I probably should have saved a few more copies for myself than just the couple I had put aside for posterity.

From a graphic design perspective I love the regular cover, and was glad to be finally filling orders with that easier-to-make version. To compensate for the difference, I would usually just toss in a small batch of stickers to orders for the third issue.

A few times, though, thinking that some folks who placed orders for KFG!3 would probably like to have the mash-up version, I pulled out the sticker collection and just made up half a dozen more. (Which means there's actually more than 150 copies of the B-version out there!)

Last year some cool stickers came in from Sinned-NYC, Biafra, Julius, SKAM and other guys, so I decided last week to make up a dozen more mash-up covers. A few were also made just to keep in my personal collection; they could end up being part of an exhibit someday.

KFG!3B: Stick & Move Special - "Brownie"

KFG!3B: Stick & Move Special - "Goldie"