
When life hands you lemons...make a meme!

Although they've become an immensely popular facet of internet culture, I've only made two or three memes. I can't even recall now what the first one was, and don't know why I didn't think to post the last one I made a month or so ago (inspired by the Aquaman movie) here on the blog. Maybe I'll do that later tonight and back date it to the time when it was made. 

Anywho, it was with, perhaps, a dark sense of humor that I made this new meme. I'd started workin' on it shortly after reading the announcement today that Netflix (thanx much to Disney) has also pulled the plug on Jessica Jones and The Punisher, the last of the streaming network's six Marvel TV shows.

I'd originally started off using a much different image of Mickey Mouse, but figured I'd play around with another that I'd found and everything pretty much clicked with my second attempt in a way that it hadn't really with the first.

The quote used is line of dialog borrowed from Thanos, the big purple alien wearer of the golden Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers: Infinity War and the comic book series that inspired the film.

Not much more to say about it all. Unlike a great number of fans, I only watched Luke Cage and The Defenders, so my heartbreak over the cancellation of the Marvel shows I cared about was already felt and gotten over some months ago. Them's the breaks, as they say.

I did have a twisted bit of fun making the meme, though.

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